
I'm Currently Reading

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
I have not gotten very far in the book yet, there not even married, but so far I totally love it! Being married to a Marine who deploys a lot, its a love story that I can totally relate to.

I admit, I had not heard of the book until the movie came out which I plan to see After I finish the book. I love the lead actress in it who plays Clare, Rachel McAdams who was also the lead in another book movie combo that I loved, The Notebook (which I read and posted about here on Novel Bloggers)!



  1. I saw the movie and loved it. Was thinking about reading the book. A trip the the library is planed.

  2. I adore Time Traveler's Wife! I read it a few years back and completely devoured it. I think it's due for a re-read, because I loved it so much the first time and now I've seen the movie.

  3. Ive been often told this is a good book. I think I will find me a copy soon. Thanks!

  4. This is an amazing book, I really felt the movie ruined it. I love this book.
    Glynis @


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